2022-08-05 09:15:29
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lover of my soul (查理·卫斯理)

耶稣 灵魂的爱人 求祢许我来藏身

正当波浪滚滚近 正当风雨阵阵紧

藏我 哦 主 求藏我 直到今生风波过

引我平安进天门 至终求接我灵魂

我无别的逃避所 无助灵魂向祢托

求主莫将我丢弃 安慰保守无时已

所有倚靠寄祢身 所有救助在祢恩

我头无遮身无蔽 求祢圣翼来覆庇

主啊 祢是我所需 够我一切还有余

软弱 跌倒祢扶持 疾病 瞎眼祢医治

祢名至义 至圣洁 我全不义满罪孽

我是邪恶没良善 真理 恩典祢充满

祢前我遇浩大恩 恩足赦免我罪深

医治活水望涌流 使我清洁蒙保守

祢是永远生命源 望在我心成活泉

从我里头来涌流 一直涌流到永久

Jesus, lover of my soul,

let me to thy bosom fly,

while the nearer waters roll,

while the tempest still is high;

hide me, O my Savior, hide,

till the storm of life is past;

safe into the haven guide,

O receive my soul at last!

Other refuge have I none;

hangs my helpless soul on thee;

leave, ah! leave me not alone,

still support and comfort me.

All my trust on thee is stayed,

all my help from thee I bring;

cover my defenseless head

with the shadow of thy wing.

Plenteous grace with thee is found,

grace to cover all my sin;

let the healing streams abound;

make and keep me pure within.

Thou of life the fountain art;

freely let me take of thee;

spring thou up within my heart,

rise to all eternity.
